Fashion design
Fashion design

Are the looks inspiring you?

Feel the fabric and colours?

You seem like a good fit for the fashion industry. The foundation of fashion design is inspiration. Indian textile and design heritage is continually being reinterpreted in modern clothing. Dream Zone teaches you to view design as a fresh way to showcase your artistic abilities to a worldwide audience. We give you an introduction to all fashion ideas as well as the rigorous training in aesthetics you need to be successful in this fiercely competitive industry. We can turn you into one of the upcoming generation of tech-savvy fashion designers with our proficiency in fashion computer animation.

Fashion is an ever-evolving art form, a language that speaks volumes about individual expression and creativity. At Dream Zone Thrissur, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey into the world of fashion design. Discover how our institute can be your runway to a vibrant and fulfilling career in the dynamic realm of style and innovation.


Course Content

  • Application of design
  • History of fashion
  • Textile Science
  • Fabric
  • Textile Design
  • Pattern Making
  • Draping
  • Garment Construction
  • Fashion Management
  • Embellishments
  • Computer Aided Pattern
  • Drafting
  • Computer Aided Fashion Design

At Dream Zone, we understand the importance of connecting education with industry exposure. Benefit from networking events, workshops, and internship opportunities with renowned designers and fashion houses. Gain valuable insights and real-world experience.

Celebrate your creative journey through our student showcases and fashion events. Showcase your designs to peers, faculty, and industry professionals, establishing your presence in the vibrant world of fashion. Whether you dream of being a fashion designer, stylist, or entrepreneur, Dream Zone provides the platform to nurture your passion. 

Dream Zone Fashion Design Institute goes beyond education by offering career counseling services and fostering connections with industry professionals. This may involve organizing guest lectures, industry visits, and networking events to provide students with insights into potential career paths.

Dream Zone Fashion Design Course Institute is a vibrant learning environment that nurtures the creativity and skills of aspiring fashion designers, providing them with the knowledge and practical experience needed to succeed in the dynamic and competitive world of fashion.

Students Talk

Sneha K J - Fashion Designer

MagnificientI would like to share my experience about Dreamzone. This is an institute of creative studies and I chose Fashion Designing.I am very happy that I chose this as my career building.The atmosphere here is beautiful. Expert teachers are taking the lessons and they are very good, caring and lovable.

Sumitha - Fashion Designer

Best institute to shape up your career in Fashion Design highly experienced faculty and world class infrastructure .Come join us to shape your careers in right direction with creativity and confidence.

Akhil - interior Designer

Excellent teaching faculties is the main feature of our institute. This institute also provide convenient time schedule and special care to each student which helped me a lot

Ansha - Fashion Designer

Excellent teaching faculties is the main feature of our institute. This institute also provide convenient time schedule and special care to each student which helped me a lot

Alida Sunny - Fashion Designer

100% job placement. Good atmosphere. Friendly staffs and facilities with excellent quality service and experience. Creative Saturday programs which helps students to find their own creative skills. I suggest Dream Zone Thrissur for skill development courses 

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Admission Started

DreamZone School of Creative Studies is India's premier training institute for technology-enabled creative education in India. Through dedicated centres of excellence in creative skills training, we offer employment and entrepreneurship-oriented ..[More Details]